The Simple 7 Lifestyle

Your Roadmap to Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Your Best Life

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(Plus instant access to download the
Healthy Morning Routine Checklist)

The Simple 7 Lifestyle is not just another boring health book that
tries to impress you with hundreds of pages of medical theories .

The Simple 7 Lifestyle is a SHORTCUT.

Trying to regain or maintain your health can be a frustrating, expensive process...especially if you’re going through the process alone.

We've watched people struggle through this journey the hard way for years, and we've also taught 1,000's of people to breeze through this process the easy way. The key shortcuts and lessons we've learned are found in this book. Which way will you choose?

Here are Some of the Things You’ll Learn Inside This Book

  • Why the current health care model is not working and why now is the critical time to adopt a more comprehensive, root-cause approach

  • Why pharmaceutical medications only yield short-term benefits but often accelerate the underlying problems

  • Why you’ll never “out-exercise a bad diet”

  • Why waking up an hour early to work out is often the fastest way to burn out and lose more health

  • How to create a clear vision and accomplish your health goals consistently

  • How to use your breath to lower stress hormones in just 2 minutes

  • Why it is critical to overcome negative, self-sabotaging thoughts and a simple technique to turn negative thoughts into your secret weapon

  • 10 awesome tips to improve your sleep and restore your morning energy

  • The 7 Food Rules (yes, there are only 7) that will help you navigate the complex world of “diets”

  • Why loneliness is more dangerous to your health than smoking a pack of cigarettes and how to cultivate a deeper emotional connection with others

  • The secret ingredient that almost everyone leaves out of their “healthy lifestyle” that can often make all the difference in your success.

Here's What To Do Next...

This book is available on Amazon. All we ask is that you enter your name and email address so we can send you the Healthy Morning Routine Checklist

There Is No Catch!

In case you're wondering why we wrote The Simple 7 Lifestyle Book, here are a few reasons...

Adopting these Lifestyle Habits changed our own lives...
We’ve each had our own health crisis and these principles, together with care from great functional medicine doctors made all of the difference.

We want millions of others, just like you to have the same experience we had...millions of people are stressed out and have no idea where to turn to regain their health. They are tired of taking more and more drugs to mask their symptoms and they just need a guide and a plan.

We don’t want you to waste your time and money.
Our private clients often begin care with us without knowing any of these foundational principles. That means that weeks and months of their care is spent trying to lay the foundational groundwork that is required to rebuild their health.

We get to create a relationship with you... and when you get to know us and how we work, you might even choose to work with us in one of our group wellness programs or even our functional medicine membership (and we know just how powerful that step can be in totally transforming your life!)

Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's why...

Every second counts when it comes to your health.

Don't wait for a wake-up call; the time to act is now.

Prioritize your wellbeing and embrace a healthier lifestyle today.

Your future self will thank you. Act now!

This Is A Limited Offer, So
Get Your Copy Now...

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter.

Look forward to talking to you again real soon inside the book. :)

Dr. Jerry and Tammie Duggar

PS - In case you're one of those people (like us) who just skim to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

Your health matters.

We know this, because we have gone through our own trials and tribulations with our health.

We want to teach you what we learned along the way.

So, we wrote The Simple 7 Lifestyle book.

You can buy it on Amazon. And, if you click the button below and provide your name and email address, we'll email you our Healthy Morning Routine Checklist.

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